Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Secret Garden
Discover a secret garden full of animals and birds and plants and country houses. This poster / tablecloth draws you in to a magical world, full of strange and amazing things to colour in.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Unicorns & Fairies
Enter a magical world, full of unicorns, fairy princes and princesses, flowers, butterflies, rainbows and much more to colour in and enjoy.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Space (Special Print Edition)
Covered in Saturn V, Soyuz, the ISS, and the moon with the lunar module and astronauts, this Eggnogg poster / tablecloth is great fun to colour in, educational and totally spaced-out! (Special Edition: only available as special order print, shrink-wrapped but no carton.)
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, no box (more details below)
3-D Christmas Tree (Special Edition)
An Eggnogg Colour-in poster / tablecloth to colour in and fold into a 45cm tall Christmas Tree. A great colouring-in and origami craft activity full of festive family fun.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, integral cover (details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Dinosaurs
Packed full of amazing dinosaurs, each labelled with their scientific name, you’ll have a roaring time colouring in this Eggnogg poster / tablecloth, and maybe discover a few more species too.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Farm
Come and have fun on the farm. Grab your coloured pencils, smell that country air and explore the farmyards and fields full of pigs and cows, chickens and ducks, tractors and combine harvesters, friendly farmers and much more besides.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Monsters & Ghosts
Tame those little monsters with this Eggnogg Colour-in giant poster / tablecloth. Packed full of mad monsters, ghosts and ghouls, it’s perfect for Halloween or any fun-filled fright-night.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Teatime
A true original. The very first Eggnogg poster / tablecloth design, and still a best seller. Packed full of teatime treats and quirky characters, it will keep everyone quietly entertained for ages.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)
Giant Poster / Tablecloth – Seaside
Looking for a memento of a great seaside holiday? Or trying to keep the kids entertained on a rainy day, or while you have a little quiet time in the sun? Full of fish, sandcastles and buckets and spades, this Eggnogg Colour-in poster / tablecloth is perfect.
Durable paper, 1270mm x 950mm, boxed (more details below)